We, the members of the LETRAN JUNIOR PHILIPPINE INSTITUTE OF ACCOUNTANTS, realizing the need for a local organization to serve as a medium of expression for our ideals and aspirations, to protect and promote the welfare and interest of accounting students, to assert a dynamic and responsible leadership and to attain a high degree of moral, social and intellectual growth, do hereby promulgate the constitution and by-laws.






Section     1       The organization established under this constitution shall be known as the LETRAN JUNIOR PHILIPPINE INSTITUTE OF ACCOUNTANTS or shall otherwise be referred to as L.J.P.I.A.

Section     2       The domicile and the principal office of the organization shall be at the Colegio de San Juan de Letran, 151 Muralla ST., Intramuros, Manila.






Section     1       To adopt measures as may be necessary to foster educational advancement in the field of Accounting.

Section     2       To serve as an instrument for gradual exposure of students to actual practices in accounting and business life.

Section     3       To acquaint the members with the nature and activities of the Philippine Institute of Certified Public Accountants.

Section     4       To develop civic consciousness and discipline among its members.

Section     5       To promote fellowship and brotherhood among accounting students not only with one’s campus but also among schools.

Section     6       To upgrade the quality and standards of accounting students.






Section     1       Senior (third and fourth year) membership to this organization requires that a student must have completed at least twelve (12) units of accounting subjects.

Section     2       Junior (first and second year) membership to this organization requires that a student must be enrolled in Bachelor in Sciences in Accountancy (B.S.A.).

Section     3       Such membership in the L.J.P.I.A. is for a period of one year, renewable every year.




Section     1       All members of the L.J.P.I.A. shall have the following rights and privileges:

a.            The right to participate in the discussions in all the general meetings of the organization

b.            The right to vote, to be elected and/or appointed to any official position in the L.J.P.I.A., provided for

c.            The right to be informed of any projects and/or activity of the organization as it is solely on an official business

d.            The right to use the facilities of the organization as it is solely on an official business

e.            The right to choose whatever standing committee he/she would like to join

Section   2        The members of this organization shall have the following expressed duties and obligations:

a.            The duty to comply with the provisions of the constitution and other rules that may be promulgated or agreed upon by the organization

b.            The duty to attend meetings, whether regular or special, called upon by the organization

c.            The duty to vote in the assembly or any question or matter which may arise therein

d.            The duty to pay annual membership fee of fifty pesos (P50.00)

e.            The duty to attend and participate actively in at least ninety percent (90%) of all its activities and functions

f.              The duty to comply with any other lawful requirements set by the organization






Section     1       The governing bodies of the organization shall be:

a.            The Assembly

b.            The Executive Officers

c.            The Advisory Council






Section     1       The assembly shall be composed of all accredited members of the organization, the senior and juniors.

Section     2       The assembly shall convene once every two months during the school year in a general meeting at the principal office of this organization or any date any place designated by the executive officers or by the Chairman of the advisory Council.

Section     3       A Special session shall be convened at the request by the majority of the executive officers.






Section     1       The organization shall have at least the following officers:

a.            President

b.            Executive Secretary

c.            Vice-President for Academics

d.            Vice-President for Non-Academics

e.            Vice-President for Membership

f.              Vice-President for Finance and Logistics

g.            Vice-President for Audit

h.            Vice-President for Internal Linkages

i.              Vice-President for External Linkages






Section     1       An officer should possess the following qualifications:

a.            Only fourth year students could occupy the position of the President, Vice-President for Academics, Vice-President for Finance and Logistics, Executive Secretary, and Vice-President for Audit; while fourth year, third year or second year could occupy the other positions.

b.            He must be a student majoring in Accountancy and must be a bonafide active member with a good moral character.

c.            He must have a general weighted average of 83% in all his Accounting subjects and must have no failing grades either in all his other minor subjects in the previous semesters.






Section     1       The President

a.            He shall be the Chief Executive of the organization and shall have the duty to supervise its affairs.

b.            He shall preside over all meetings of the Executive Officers and the Assembly.

c.            He shall have the authority to create committees as may be deemed necessary, authorized expenditures and delegate duties to other officers and members, which may be prescribed under this Constitution and by-laws.

d.            He shall lead the members in carrying out the activities in attaining the purposes and objectives of this Constitution and by-laws, and all the rules and regulations set by the Assembly.

e.            He shall perform such other duties and powers inherent to the Office of the President.

f.              He shall submit to the Office of the Student Services the record of all the activities at the end of the school year.

Section     2       The Executive Secretary

a.            He shall keep full minutes of all meetings of the Executive Officers and the Assembly.

b.            He shall prepare and serve due notice of all the meetings of the Executive Officers and the Assembly in accordance with this Constitution and by-laws.

c.            He shall sign, together with the President, all membership certificates.

d.            He shall also discharge such other duties incidental to his position as may be required of him by the President.

Section     3       The Vice-President for Academics

a.            He shall assume the Presidency and perform its functions and duties in case of the latter’s absence or incapacity.

b.            He shall have direct authority over all the officers except the Vice-President for Non-Academics and may prescribe duties to them with the explicit approval of the President.

c.            He shall also have direct authority over the members and may prescribe duties with the explicit approval of the President.

d.            He shall be the coordinator of all the academic activities of the Letran Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants and shall see to the proper training of any student who will represent the local chapter in any of the competitions outside the school premises.

e.            He shall be the one of the two Executive officers who shall be the official representatives of the Letran Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants.

Section     4       The Vice-President for Non-Academics

a.            He shall perform the functions and duties of the President in case of the latter’s and the Vice-President for Academics ‘ absence or incapacity

b.            He shall have direct authority over all the other officers, except the Vice-President for Academics, and members and may prescribe duties to them with the explicit approval of the President.

c.            He shall be the coordinator of all non-academic activities of the Letran Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants and shall see to it the that such activities do not conflict with important activities of other organizations within the college, which may impair the success of these functions.

Section     5       The Vice-President for Membership

a.            He shall assist the secretary in the performance of the latter’s function.

b.            He shall assume the function of the Executive Secretary in case of the latter’s absence or incapacity.

c.            He shall be the head of the secretariat and to qualify awardees for the year-end awards.

d.            He shall perform such other duties and the President may assign functions from time to time.

Section     6       The Vice-President for Finance and Logistics

a.            He shall receive, hold and issue receipts for all money funds of the organization and shall pay out the same upon the authority of the President or of the general consent of the Executive Officers.

b.            He shall make sure that all disbursements and payments made by him are covered by vouchers and accompanied by necessary receipts.

c.            He shall keep a record of all receipts and expenditures.

d.            He shall be the one to take sign for all monetary transactions of the organization with the consent of the President and other officers.

e.            He shall be responsible for the supplies of the organization.

f.              He shall assume the function of the liaison officer.

Section     8       The Vice-President for Audit

a.            He shall be the one to audit the financial reports and other financial documents of the treasurer to ensure proper and effective administration of its resources.

b.            He shall examine and verify reports on statements and certify its correctness of the treasurer’s reports (a written certification should be passed) before submission to the Executive officers.

c.            He shall perform other duties and functions, which may be assigned by the President from time to time.

Section     9       The Vice-President for Internal Linkages

a.            He shall assist the President and/or other executive officers in the organization’s business.

b.            He shall perform other duties and functions, which may be assigned by the President from time to time.

c.            He shall be responsible for the publications of press information to all members pertinent to the organization, persons who are deemed necessary in the functions of the organization.

a.            He shall be responsible for the proper acknowledgment of letters, invitations, and posters within the school premises: provided that the President shall first acknowledge such note.

Section     10     The Vice-President for External Linkages

b.            He shall be the official representative of the Letran Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants to the National Federation of Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants.

c.            He shall be the coordinator of all external activities of the Letran Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants and shall see to it that such activities are not in conflict with the important activities of the other Local Chapters of the National Federation, which may impair the success of these functions.

d.            He shall be responsible for the proper acknowledgment of letters of appreciation, press releases, invitations, posters and other matters of communication, which are outside duties of the other officers. The President shall first note such readings of information and communication.

Section     11     Year-end Reports

a.            Financial reports shall be submitted to the Student Services at the end of the school year.

b.            The treasurer shall prepare the financial reports, certified by the Auditor and duly signed by the President.

c.            Failure to comply with the above requirements will give the Office of the Student Services the right to put on hold the transcript and credentials of all Executive Officers.






Section     1       The Composition

a.            The Advisory Council shall be composed of the Presidents, or any official representatives of each member class, except for Executive Officers and shall be called section coordinators.

b.            The Section Deputy Coordinators shall assume the function of the section coordinators in case of the latter’s absence or incapacity.

c.            The Advisory Council shall convene once a month during the school year in a general meeting at the principal office of the this organization or any date and place designated by the Executive Officers.

Section     2       Functions of the Advisory Council

a.            The council shall disseminate all information regarding activities, proposals, plan and all other matters pertaining to the LJPIA.

b.            The council shall serve as the means of communication between the members of the assembly and the Executive Officers in the absence of a meeting called for a general assembly.

Section     3       Election of Chairman of the Council

a.            The members of the council must elect the Chairman.

b.            The Chairman shall preside over all the meetings of the Council.






Section     1       Education and Research Committee

a.            The Education and Research Committee shall be composed of first, second, third and fourth year members of the organization.

b.            This Committee shall have a chairperson duly appointed by the Executive officers.

c.            This Committee shall be under the advisement of the Vice-President for Academics.

d.            This Committee shall adopt measures that may be necessary to acquaint members with the nature and activities of the Philippine Institute of Certified Public Accountants.

e.            This Committee shall be responsible for adopting measures as may be implied by this article.

f.              This Committee shall assist the Vice-President for Academics regarding the proper training of any student(s) who will be represent the local chapter in any competition outside the school premises.

Section     2       Socio-Civic Committee

a.            The Socio-Civic Committee shall be composed of first, second, third, and fourth year members of the organization.

b.            This Committee shall have a chairperson duly appointed by the Executive Officers.

c.            This Committee shall be under the advisement of the Vice-President for Non-Academics

d.            This Committee shall organize sports, social and civic activities, which will promote fellowship and brotherhood among accounting students not only in one’s campus but also among other local chapters of the National Federation.

Section     3       The Finance Committee

a.            The Finance Committee shall be composed of first, second, third, and fourth year members of the organization.

b.            This Committee shall have a chairperson duly appointed by the Executive Officers.

c.            This Committee shall be under the advisement of the Vice-President for Finance and Logistics.

d.            This Committee shall keep organize projects that would raise funds for its organization.

e.            This Committee shall check the finances of each of the activities organized by the Letran Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants and shall see to it that they are properly appropriated.

f.              This committee shall assist the Vice-President for Finance and Logistics for prompt collection of fees and contributions from members.

Section     4       The Public Communication Committee

a.            The Public Communication Committee shall be composed of first, second, third, and fourth year members of the organization.

b.            This Committee shall have a chairperson duly appointed by the Executive Officers.

c.            This Committee shall be under the advisement of the Vice-President for Internal Linkages and the Vice-President for External Linkages.

d.            This Committee shall be responsible for the publication of Press releases and other reading of information to the members pertinent to the organization.

e.            This Committee shall be responsible for the dissemination of relevant information to the members through posters, readings of information, and other means.

Section     5       The Secretariat and Membership Committee

a.            The Secretariat and Membership Committee shall be composed of first, second, third, and fourth year members of the organization.

b.            This Committee shall have a chairperson duly appointed by the Executive Officers.

c.            This Committee shall be under the advisement of the Vice-President for Membership.

d.            This Committee shall be responsible for the recruitment of the junior members, and matters related to the identification cards of all accredited members.

Section     6       The Logistics Committee

a.            The Logistics Committee shall be composed of 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th year members of this organization.

b.            The Committee shall have a chairperson duly appointed by the Executive officers.

c.            This Committee shall be under the advisement of the Vice-President for Finance and Logistics.

d.            This Committee shall be responsible for the availability of materials, supplies, venues and other resources, which will be used for the organization’s activities.









Section     1       Election of officers shall be held at the time, manner, and place decided by the Committee on Elections, not later than the second month after the start of the first semester.

Section     2       The Committee on Election shall be composed of at least seven (7) members duly appointed:

a.            The President, if elections are to be made before the end of the academic year;

b.            The Vice-President for Academics, while having a holdover, if elections are to be held at the start of the academic year;

c.            The Adviser while having a holdover. If in the preceding case, the Vice-President for Non-Academics is incapable or unwilling to discharge his function.

Section     3       The Committee on Elections shall be headed by a chairperson recommended by its members, and duly appointed by the person who convened by the committee.

Section     4       The members and chairperson of the committee on elections shall have the following qualifications:

a.            A bonafide member of the LJPIA

b.            Of Good moral character

c.            Must be enrolled in Bachelor of Science in Accountancy (BSA) course, and must be currently taking at least one accounting subject.

Section     5       The Committee on Elections shall take in charge of the preparations for the election of the executive officers, count the votes cast, and proclaim the duly elected Executive officers. Furthermore, the committee shall submit to the members and the adviser of the LJPIA’s comprehensive report on the conduct and the results of the election.

Section     6       The decision of the Committee on Elections shall be final, executory, and binding upon all.






Section     1       The Executive Officers of the LJPIA shall hold office for a period of one (1) year or until their successors shall have been elected and qualified.

Section     2       Vacancies may occur on the following conditions:

a.      Impeachment

b.      Incapacity to continue tenure of office

c.      An Executive officer receives a failing mark in any of his Accounting, Taxation or Law subjects.

Section     3       Should there be vacancy in the President, Vice-President for Academics shall assume the position of the President and shall continue the unexpired term.

Section     4       If vacancies exist at the same time in the positions of the President and the Vice-President for Academics, the Vice-President for Non Academics shall assume the position of the President until a special election has been called for such cause.

Section     5       If a vacancy exists in the position of the Executive Secretary or the Vice-President for Finance and Logistics, the Vice-President for Membership shall assume the positions.






Section     1       The Adviser shall be an Accounting faculty member duly appointed by the Dean of Student Affairs upon the recommendation of the Executive officers.

Section     2       The Adviser shall hold office for a period of one (1) year or until the successor shall have been duly appointed.

Section     3       The Adviser shall certify all the activities, meetings and/or functions of the organization.

Section     4       The Adviser shall not have any voting powers in all the meetings of the LJPIA, whether general or special.






Section     1       A quorum shall be constituted of at least fifty percent (50%) plus one of the accredited members of the assembly, otherwise no business shall be done or discussed unless approved by the President.

Section     2       Seventy-five percent (75%) of the Executive Officers shall constitute a quorum to transact business.






Section     1       Any officer shall be removed from office by impeachment on any gross violation of this constitution and by-laws, internal rules of this organization, as well as the rules and regulations promulgated by the Executive Officers.

Section     2       The Executive Officers, sitting en banc, by three-fourths votes, including the sole officer in question, shall have the power of impeachment.

Section     3       Any Executive Officer who incurs a total of five (5) unexcused absences shall be expelled from the organization.






Section     1       Any member of the LJPIA may be expelled on the following grounds:

a.      Any willful and gross violation of this constitution and by-laws.

b.      Any willful and gross violation of the internal rules of this organization, as well as the rules and regulations promulgated by the Executive Officers.






Section     1       The Executive Officers, sitting en banc, by a majority vote, may propose any amendment or revision of the constitution.

Section     2       Any amendment or revision to this constitution shall be valid when ratified by a majority vote of the members of the Advisory Council in a special meeting called for the purpose, the time, place and manner of which shall be fixed by the Executive Officers.






Section     1       This constitution shall take effect immediately upon its ratification by the majority of the members of the Advisory Council and shall supersede any other constitution and all amendments thereto.

















This act shall take effect upon signing by the members of the Letran Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants.

This code may be amended only by the present LJPIA’s Executive Officers with due case.


Signed this 25th day of June, 2003

At Colegio de San Juan de Letran, Intramuros, Manila




Mark Anthony Casanova




Gerard Joseph Francisco

Executive Secretary



Emmanuel B. Colipano                                        Ryan C. De Guzman

Vice-President for Academics                                                     Vice-President for Non Academics



Arlenie Jocson                                                              Dennis Cenon

Vice-President for Membership                                         Vice-President for Finance and Logistics



Vincent Vicedo                                              Hana Sophia Esguerra

Vice-President for Audit                                                            Vice-President for Internal Linkages



Mark Louis Valbuena

Vice-President for External Linkages



Mr. Earl Jimson Garcia, CPA
